“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.”
– Sigmund Freud
Becoming a new mother can cause a feeling of uncertainty.
Motherhood is supposed to be the happiest time in your life, but you feel anxious and uncertain about being a mother every day.
You notice that every time your husband kisses you goodbye, your heart sinks as you look at the clock and ask yourself, “How am I going to take care of this little human ( or humans) alone for the next eight hours?”
You also dread it every time you get that text at the end of the day saying, “Honey, I am going to be late.”
Life isn’t like it was before the baby.
Nobody ever told you how hard it would be to parent an infant or young child.
Little did you know that going to the bathroom alone, eating a meal, sitting down, or enjoying a warm cup of coffee would become difficult, if not impossible.
You miss those small moments you had to yourself, a time where you weren’t reeking of spit-up, breast milk, or sticky toddler hands.
How are you expected to live your life and be happy between diaper changes, pumping sessions, and feedings?
You begin to doubt and feel inadequate.
Your friends and family said you would LOVE this time of your life, and you feel guilty and start to think that something is wrong.
You wonder if you even made the right decision about starting a family, or you doubt whether you have what it takes to be a good mom.
These feelings make you feel shameful, which is why you would never dare share them with either your mom or friends for fear of being judged.
“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
– Linda Wooten
Suppressing how you feel is not the solution.
If this sounds like you, please know that you do not have to navigate these feelings alone. Feeling stress and anxiety as a new mom or mother with young kids is entirely normal. And no, you are not a horrible mom.
That you are even reading this proves you are an amazing mom who wants to start feeling better for yourself and your kids.
You CAN enjoy this period of your life, as I show you how to regulate your emotions and frustrations so that you can slow down and enjoy being with your kiddos.
Together, we will work toward implementing strategies and plans for your life that will reduce your stress level to allow you to enjoy your family again – and wake up excited to be their mom.
You got this, MAMA.
Call me today for a happier tomorrow.